Another entry in the "I have too many blogs" list:
Siege Works
You may have noticed from my occasional bursts of poetry that I fancy myself a bit of a writer. Well, I've decided to take advantage of the self-publishing empire that is the Internet and start putting some of my short stories, etc, out there for the world to ignore at its leisure.
I know no one reads what I write anyway (that's why I don't put counters on my personal blogs - the lack of hits on my "professional blogs" is depressing enough), but it feels good to pretend that there might be an audience somewhere.
It you build it they will come, and all that.
At the moment I'm partway through posting parts of Eglantine, one of my "Stories for Kate". It's a personal favourite of mine, so if you hate it feel free to lie to me and tell me you quite enjoyed it.
As for who "Kate" is... well that's my little secret (I've got to create some air of mystery, otherwise they'll be nothing of interest in what I do at all). All I will state categorically is that she is not my child...
Oh, and if you're wondering why I called it Siege Works, I'll explain later. It's a long and drawn out story that involves Superman, Gladiators, a flock of birds and a fondness for homonyms. I think it will take a posting of its own at some point.
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