Friday, October 10, 2008

Seat Post Blues

The new bike needs a new seat post.

No, I didn't break this one, and it wasn't faulty either, more's the pity.

It's just an inch too short. That's what I get for buying a bike that's a size too small, I guess. I had good reason to - all the better to land on my feet when I come off the bike, my dear. The trouble with learning to ride a unicycle is you tend to learn how to land when you come off a unicycle. I found the last couple of times I encountered an obstacle that unseated me from my regular bicycle, I landed on my feet in exactly the same manner I do when coming down from das einrad. Thankfully, the women's frame gave me plenty of clearance.

When I new the next bike had to have a men's frame as there wasn't a women's alternative, I went a size smaller to give me that extra clearance. Makes perfect sense, unless you factor in this weird trend bikes have for shorter seat tubes, these days. Damn fashion. It's never once done me any favours.

So, now I need to fork out money to buy a new seat post when I have a perfectly good, functioning seat post already. Too many things in this world cost money.

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