I think I can sum up everything wrong with my universe by pointing out one little fact:
I have the Wuzzle's theme song stuck in my head.
You remember The Wuzzles, don't you? Shortlived Disney television show from the 80s made by the same people behind Adventuresof the Gummi Bears?
No? Well that could be because it only lasted 13 episodes and is one of the shortest lived Disney cartoons ever.
I found the theme tune online some time back and was a little put out to notice I didn't actually need the reminder - I still remembered every word.
I also remember the theme for the Gummi Bears. And the Paw Paw Bears, when it comes to that.
God only knows why I have the theme to the Paw Paw Bears taking up space in my brain. This is valuable synaptic real-estate I could be using to remember people's names, or something vaguely relevant like that.
Then again, some kid recently survived a moose attack using skills he picked up from a video game, so maybe I will one day come to appreciate the fact that I can remember "when you get in trouble - and this goes double - you call the Paw Paw Bears"...
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