If, and this is a big "if", he manages to pull of something closer to his work on Chicago Hope than the last smattering of quirky legal dramas, there may be some hope for the show. If, on the other hand (and reports indicate this might be the case) he's trying to do a WW close in tone to Ally McBeal, then I'm probably going to be pretty bummed about the whole thing.
Mind you, I thought Smallville was going to be terrible and I ended up enjoying that show for about three years. Actually, it was pretty terrible for the first season. Then it got better. Then it got terrible again.
Anyway, for years now I've known exactly which shows should serve as the models for Wonder Woman: it needs to be somewhere between Stargate SG1 and NCIS.
Take an episode of NCIS. Replace the NCIS setting with either the DIA or the CID (they were in the Army Intelligence in the original comics). Combine the characters of Gibbs and DiNozzo for Steve Trevor (or maybe just sub in Chris O'Donnell's character from the other NCIS show for Trevor). Convert Ziva David into Diana Prince, and maybe McGee into Etta Candy. They go about their crime-solving/terrorist foiling business, but at some point David...er, I mean Prince, has to go "back to the car to get something", and Wonder Woman turns up to deflect a few bullets and get rid of the bomb.
The SG1 elements come into play in that occasionally they have to fight against aliens and mythological creatures, rather than just criminals and terrorists.

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