Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Today I learned...

... that World War II is not over:

RIA NovostiOn Tuesday, Medvedev arrived in Kunashir, just north of Japan's Hokkaido island, for his second trip to the disputed Kuril IslandsMedvedev Indifferent to Japan’s Reaction on his Kuril Visit

04:46 05/07/2012 Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said on Thursday he is indifferent to Japan’s reaction over his trip to one of the Kuril Islands earlier in the week.>>

So, technically, Russia and Japan are still "fighting" WWII? How does that work?

I think disputed border territories ought to have some sort of time limit imposed. They can only be disputed for, say, 50 years? Is that reasonable? After that point I think you should take a poll of the people who live there and ask them who they'd rather be (Russian or Japanese, Russian or Georgian, Russian or Estonian, Turkish or Armenian, Turkish or Cypriot...) and let them decide for themselves.

This isn't too extreme a suggestion, is it?


  1. Heard of Northern Ireland? :-D

  2. What, that's still going on, too? Well, this is just daft! Surely once you change entire government administrations a dozen times over someone can fix these things?

  3. Well the border dispute began in 1921 and I doubt it will be sorted by 2021. Onece you have one half of the population wanting one thing and the other half another, well it's a recipe for a stalemate if even there was one :-)
