I have an exam tomorrow morning, and my gall bladder is playing up. Or maybe it's my functional dyspepsia. I don't know. I have two diagnoses and I can't work out which symptoms belong to which one. I suspect there's a certain amount of cross-over.
Meanwhile, whatever it is has been playing up since last Wednesday, so I'm kind of hoping it isn't my gall bladder or it might be an indication that I should be getting it removed. I'm not a big fan of having internal organs removed if such things can be avoided.
The discomfort seems to be in the wrong place, anyway, so I'm assuming it's the dyspepsia - although attacks for both usually clear up after a couple of days, so it's a bit distracting either way.
The most annoying thing about both is the fact that I'm really bad at working out what triggers an attack. It's the whole cumulative thing that's throwing me out. Any given item of food could be perfectly fine or the thing that's going to give me hours of grief - it depends on what else I've eaten lately.
Take sausages, for example. I can eat a sausage from a street vendor one day and have absolutely no problems. I can even eat two such sausages in a week without issues. Then, one day, I will eat a sausage from a street vendor and it will trigger an attack - not because there was something particularly bad about that sausage, but because something I'd eaten the day before (or, in some cases, two days earlier) had primed my innards for an issue, and the sausage was just the catalyst.
Maybe my gut is giving me signals that I've been "primed", but I'm not very good at recognising them, or maybe it really is a case of Russian Roulette with what I stick in my mouth. I seem to go from "I feel fine" to "dang, my stomach is rather upset" without any middle ground.
Obviously, I should be adjusting my diet to exclude things like sausages, and maybe if I started eating like a 70s hippy I'd be able to avoid the primers and catalysts altogether. It's just surprisingly hard to pull that off when you a) eat with other people and don't want to inconvenience them, b) get food from cafes and c) travel.
Stupid faulty internal bits. Why can't I just eat stupid things that are no good for me like normal people?
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