I've been in a bit of a high jerk mode recently, so my apologies to everyone.
I'm thoughtless and insensitive at the best of times - something I'm not terribly proud of or happy about, but the thing about being thoughtless and insensitive is that you don't tend to notice it at the time. It's hard to alter behaviour when you only register it sometime after it has occurred.
Generally speaking, it takes me longer than you would expect to realise that I've been thoughtless and insensitive, and by the time I realise I owe someone an apology, I also realise I owed them that apology some time ago. Apologising for a small cut delivered two years ago seems daft, so I tend to not do it... which just means I end up delivering dozens of cuts over the years which I never apologise for.
That makes me a jerk. However, I also go through phases where I am not only thoughtless and insensitive, but also intolerant and snarky. I start expecting a level of thoughtfulness from others than I'm not capable of delivering myself, and become unforgivably unforgiving when people display faults that are much like my own.
This is my "High Jerk Mode", and I realise that I become thoroughly unpleasant on multiple levels.
If it makes you feel any better, I usually can't stand being in the room with me when I'm in this mode, either.
So, as I said, my apologies to everyone. Trying to pull my head in, but sadly I think I will still be thoughtless and insensitive - all I can really hope for is "a little less obnoxious".
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