Thursday, March 14, 2013

Carlike things

CORRECTION:  throughout this post I refer to the van as an AVP.  It's actually an APV.  This probably means it stands for All Purpose Vehicle, or something quite boring.

So… I put a deposit on a Suzuki AVP.  I haven’t even taken one for a test drive.  All I know is it’s got a good reputation and it’s a van that fits into the footprint of a car.

It’s a weeny-looking girly van.  Or a blokey-looking station wagon trying to pass itself off as a van.  With only two seats.  I’m trying to work out if that makes it “sport”.  Don’t cars become “sports something-or-other” if they are rendered useless for any more than one passenger?  Doesn’t “sports” actually mean “not as useful as other vehicles”?

I’m sure that’s the case.  “Sports cars” are not as useful as other cars.  “Sports wagons” are not as useful as other wagons…

What does “AVP” stand for, anyway?  “Automobile, Vanlike but Petite”?  “Actually, it’s a Vanette, you Ponce”?  “Armadillo with Variegated Paws”?

Importantly, it’s a van that costs $20,000 less than the other vans I was considering.  This means it’s much more affordable to invest $3,000-$4,000 in having extra seats installed.  Because, what I really want in life is a station wagon that can convert into a van at a moment’s notice.

No, seriously – that actually is exactly what I’ve been looking for over the past three months.  I want a transformer that changes from being a car into being a different kind of car.  The robot option would be cool, but not entirely practical (what with the constant battles between the Autobots and the Deceptacons, I’d probably never get to drive it*). 

I want a people mover with back seats that transforms into a van with no backseats.  The Volkswagen Caddy seems to be the only model that actually does that on purpose, but it’s also what I like to call “not exactly cheap”.  It’s cheaper than others, but not cheap.  The AVP is what I call “rather affordable, really”.  Maybe AVP stands for “As Vans go, reasonably Priced”?

The dude at the local Suzuki shop told me they wouldn’t get any in for six months.  I was on the verge of buying one on the Gold Coast, flying down and driving it back when I phoned the guy back and said: “are you sure?”  Turns out, he wasn’t.  They actually had one due to arrive in two weeks.  It was even the colour I wanted.  The thing only comes in two colours:  white and invisible-when-raining (they call it “silver”).  The AVP on the Gold Coast was invisible-when-raining, and I was hoping to avoid that, but I wasn’t going to fly all the way to Sydney to buy a white car.

I said:  “I’ll take it!”  He said:  “Okay!”  Then he called me back and said:  “Whoops, sorry, we’ve already sold that one.  There’s another due to get here in early April”.  I said:  “Is it white?”  He said:  “Yes, I believe so.”  I said:  “I’ll take it!”  He said:  “Okay!”

So a month from now I should have a new car.  My car.  Bought with my own money.  Which I earned by working in a real job.  I feel like such a grown up.  I mean, sure I don’t have a house, husband, children or anything resembling a life – but a month from now I will have my very own car.

I have to think of an appropriate name for a weeny-looking girly van.  I’m thinking “Vanette”…

* I’d love there to be a third race of Transformers who are like the Wombles of the Transformer world.  Peaceful, pottering around and more interested in making stuff from scrap than the ultimate battle between good and evil.  They’d be the Passivotons, who think the Autobots and Deceptacons should really get over this constant fighting nonsense and do something useful for a change – like actually providing a transport service, rather than just looking like cars and planes. 

When the Passivotons transform, they’d turn into power tools and garden implements (which would mysteriously be the right size for humans to use, even though in their robot form they would be a fraction larger than humans…)

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