Friday, October 18, 2013

Raise your hand if you could see that coming.

For the majority of the last year and a bit:

Me:  I can do anything!  I can do everything! 
Most people I know: You should probably reconsider that.
Me:  Pshaw!  If I can handle X, then surely I can take on Y and Z at the same time!
Most people I know:  That is probably a bad idea.

Well, I was almost right.  I could do anything and everything right up to the point where I couldn't.  Then I just needed to sit down for a while and stop expecting miracles - but unfortunately, that was the exact point where I needed to pull yet another miracle out of my hat (and, about 15 hours of well planned miracles, at that).

I was expecting the prac to be no more taxing than everything else I've been juggling - except I've still been juggling everything else while trying to do the prac.

Oddly enough, it didn't work.

I was offered the chance to keep pushing and hope for the best.  I've decided to take a rain check on that.  I'll kick myself for it later.  Right now I'm sleeping a lot. 

If there is one thing I've learnt over the years, nothing is as make-or-break as you think it is... unless you break.  Right now, I'm going to give "not breaking" a shot.  If I really care about this, I can make it up later.

1 comment:

  1. “I'll think of it tomorrow, at Tara. I can stand it then... After all, tomorrow is another day.”
    ― Margaret Mitchell, Gone with the Wind
