Well, 2013 was a bit of a bust, in the end. I deliberately bit off more than I could chew, just to see if I'd rise to the challenge.
A little bit yes, and a little bit no.
On reflection, I gave myself too much to do in the one year - which actually didn't work out as badly as it could have, all things considered.
I think, if I hadn't been stupid enough to take Education (with a capital E) subjects again (knowing, as I do, that I'm well shot of them), it wouldn't have gone to brown so badly towards the end. The practicum was one straw too many - the kind of challenge that needed a lot more from me than I had left in the tank to give. Without that, I probably would have survived my stupid workload after all.
This year I've resolved to scale back my insane plans and only take two subjects a semester instead of three. In the end, I started to let my actual job slip down on my list of priorities, and I wasn't happy about that. I know this means I'm going to have to keep studying for another trimester longer than I had planned, but that gives me the opportunity to take a subject that isn't offered in 2014.
2014 will see me return to a mode of study where no one gets hurt (except my pride) if it turns out I miscalculated what I can do. I like it better when the worst that can happen is I scrape by with a Pass.
I'm also going to try to apply a few more of the Autonomous Learning practices I keep telling my students to use. I think the only reason I did as well as I did last year was because I was being tactical about my studies. This year, I'm going to try to build on that. See if I can be just a little bit better.
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