So, I've decided to jump on the latest fitness craze and I've ordered some Tae-Bo DVDs.
I was sorely tempted to try Tap-Out, but figured I already owned enough expensive white elephants. If I want to experiment with finding out whether I'm a "work out in your home in front of the TV!" person, I may as well chose yesterday's fad. By getting a really popular DVD that no body wants any more, you can get it really cheap.
Four DVDs for under $25. That's all I'm saying.
Anyway, while I'm waiting to do whatever the heck it is you do when you do that stuff, I've been using the one and only other exercise DVD I have - it came with my dumbbells, and goes for about half-an-hour. It's not bad, but after doing it three times I'm a bit board with it.
Then, last week, I noticed Wimbledon was being screened of an evening. It suddenly occurred to me that there's actually a pretty fine line between televised tennis and televised aerobics. You have to squint and turn your head sideways, but the similarity is there and you can see it.
So, here's my current "fitness craze": shadowing the ball in on-screen tennis.
I "serve" with whoever is serving, then chase the ball from one side of the screen to the other (well, I have a slightly larger playing service than the width of my TV, but you get the gist) and "hit" it whenever one of the players hits it.
Essentially, I'm playing both sides of the tennis match at the same time.
It's actually really fun. Certainly makes watching the tennis more entertaining. I have a better appreciation for the really tricky shots, too.
In the ad breaks I do some sit-ups and push-ups to turn it into a more elaborate work-out. I can tell you, after an hour or so of this, I feel like I've been exercised.
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