So, that's that. I finished my last test on Sunday, and I've passed all of the bits and pieces, so I think I'll probably pass the subjects...
And all I have to do now is wait to see if I've ticked the right boxes for the system to send me an invitation to graduate.
That's the Master of Arts in Applied Linguistics done. Once I get that piece of paper in my hands I'll be qualified to...
Well, nothing, really. I bugged out of the TESOL component because I hated those subjects so very much. I was really only doing them so there would be a point to the degree. Completely trashed my grade point average in the process. Good thing I don't care about that.
I did the MAAL as a stepping stone to possibly do a PhD later, and right now I'm feeling a bit "Meh. Who needs a PhD?"
Give me six months. It took roughly that long after I finished the Master of Information Management before I started itching to do more.
Mind you, I now have a terrible grade point average, so maybe no one will take me on as a PhD candidate.
Oh, who am I kidding - as long as I go regional, someone's bound to take me.
I'm now on a bit of a filing kick. I've got four degrees worth of paper (journal articles, etc) clogging up my space, and I'm determined to cull and declutter.
Yes, you heard me - declutter.
Declutter my filing cabinet. My study. My living spaces. My life...
I shall do it! I shall live a less cluttered life! I shall free myself from my addiction to keeping things!
I shall dig out a patch of simplicity and sit in it, and there I shall find the ability to be still.
Still and cool in my own mind and spirit...
I know that I run around in circles to distract myself from the fact that I never move forward. One day I'll learn to sit still and accept the world as it actually is. Then, maybe, when I have finally stopped looking for change, I'll stop being afraid of it.
How's that for a Deep Tuesday?
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