Tuesday, February 11, 2014


I have named my softball glove "Bessie".

I've signed up for a softball team, you see, and it occurred to me that I should write some sort of identifying piece of information on my glove, just in case a couple of other people have the exact same size and model.

For some reason, I decided that writing my own name on the glove was silly.

I mean, what would happen if I play for exactly 8 weeks, decide the whole thing is a bad idea and decide to sell my stuff to someone else?  Who would want to buy sporting equipment that has someone's name written all over it?

But if the glove had its own name, that would be different.

You might not want to by a glove with "Sharon B" written on it - but a second-hand glove called "Bessie"?  Well, that might seem fun and light-hearted.

And, in the mean time, should I become separated from my glove for any reason, the odds that anyone will have the exact same size in the exact same model with the name "Bessie" written in the exact same place are fairly slim.

I'm thinking of extending this to my fencing swords.  Most of my swords are recognisable from the grip, but I'm about to buy a sabre that's a bit more generic.

I think I'll call it "Maude".

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