Friday, March 10, 2017

Absent minded something or other...

One of the troubles I've had recently with keeping these blog posts, well, posting, is the fact that I keep forgetting what I want to write about.

I'll have a great idea for a potential post (and by "great", I mean "something is always better than nothing"), but then the rest of my day happens, and by the time I have an opportunity to actually sit down and put pen to paper (figuratively speaking), I've completely forgotten what it was.

I sit, staring at the computer, for a moment or two, trying to will myself to reproduce at least one of the ideas I've had for a post recently to come back into my mind so that I may keep my many (*cough*) fans up to date with the random ramblings that fall out of my brain...

But unfortunately they all appear to have fallen out completely, and I'm left with very little.

In the end, I'm stuck with two sentences about cheese, or something, and wondering why I ever thought I could write coherently about anything at all.

The good news is, it's not just thoughts about what I could be doing for my hobbies that I keep forgetting - I also forget about what I should be doing for work.

I know what I need/want to do, right up until the point where I sit at my desk. And then...

I always used to joke about being an absent minded professor when I grew up.  I used to say I've got the absent mindedness bit down pat, and just needed to work on my academic qualifications.

It turns out that my absentmindedness still had a lot of room for development.

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