Sunday, December 11, 2011


One of these days I'm going to have to visit Rockhampton, as opposed to stopping overnight as I pass through.

I mean, you've got to love a town with large public botanical gardens that include a free zoo and a Japanese garden.

Even if it doesn't have much else, that's a huge selling point as far as I'm concerned. I expect it has a few more things to offer, which I would discover if I just stayed for more than a handful of hours on my way between X and Y.

By the way, for those of you who are keeping track of such things, the Trevelodge "Motel" in Rockhampton is a) not a motel, and b) not worth the price. Plus, the restaurant takes forever to give people food.

We got in shortly after 7:30 and were fed by about 8:45. Having not eaten anything since about 1pm that afternoon, we were rather hungry and rather dismayed that it could take them so long to provide a piece of grilled fish and some pasta. Especially since the reason I chose that place was because it had a restaurant, so we could be sure of getting food shortly after we arrived...

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