Thursday, May 30, 2013

Spider vs Spider

So, today I learnt that one of the major predators for grey huntsman spiders is...

Daddy-long-legs spiders.

Apparently the daddy-long-legs are quite well known for having other spiders "over for dinner", if you know what I mean.  Known for preying on redback spiders and huntsmans, among others.

I find this absolutely fascinating, because daddy-long-legs spiders are small and spindly, completely harmless (to humans), easy to pick up with one's bare hands, and look like this:

While grey huntsmans (one of my favourite spiders, but not in the same league of "my goodness, that's an adorable spider" as jumping spiders) are rather large and stocky, a bit on the "ooh, scary spider!" side, and look like this:

They aren't dangerous to humans, either, and (according to the Museum of Tropical North Queensland) have never actually been known to bite - unlike the brown huntsman spiders, which apparently bite quite readily, and are painful, if not dangerous.  Not that I've ever been bitten by a huntsman of either kind, even though I've probably deserved it.  I have tried to move them on occasion, and that never went as smoothly as I'd hoped.

I played a wonderful "game" with a grey huntsman the other night, where I went to great lengths to catch it using the whole "container and paper" trick, only to find it sitting on the outside of the container staring at me as if to say "What?"  

Then I screamed a little, dropped the container and jumped back a step, while it ran away very fast.

Anyway, the idea of something the size of a small sultana being a major predator for something the size of a large prune is fascinating.

And here I thought daddy-long-legs were the also-rans of the spider community.

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