Friday, August 2, 2013


So, I tried lawn bowling the other night (barefoot bowls at the bowling club that is third closest to where I live - since they were the only ones who bothered mentioning that people thinking of trying bowling should come to a barefoot bowls night).

I had actually gone a couple of weeks before to learn how to throw those things, but this time I put my name down and joined a game.

It's very enjoyable, and slightly addictive.  I think I shall continue.

A couple of people mentioned I had good form and could, with a few months practice and some coaching, be good enough to compete.  I assumed they were buttering me up because I'm under 50 and I'm interested in lawn bowls.

However, I can't help but think it would be nice to do something like that.  I'm not likely to get to competition standard in fencing any time soon, and I've discovered that bowls can be a very... "rewarding" sport.  They have ribbons, pendants, medals and trophies.

I think one of those bowling trophies would look awesome in my house.

Not that it will ever happen.  Those retirees seem to be trying to keep the sport to themselves - why else would they schedule every "proper" club match and competition to take place during the day in the working week?

I'd have to quit my job if I want to take up lawn bowls seriously...

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