Monday, January 14, 2008

Prayer for the Print Media

Lord, grant us Editors
Who understand that "journalism"
should have honour, and not just an audience.
Who have the courage to stand for quality
and not sacrifice what is "good"
for what will sell.
Who will know that the truth
is more important than deadlines.
Who understand the importance of copy editors.
Who know that there are such things as "standards",
and standards should always be high.

Lord, grant us Copy Editors
who know their job and know it well.
Who believe that it does matter
if a sentence is well written.
Who believe that someone will notice
- will care -
if a word is spelt incorrectly,
And who will encourage our journalists
to believe it as well.
Who understand and appreciate
the value of being right,
and encourage our journalists
to appreciate it and understand it as well.
Who know that there are such things as "standards",
and standards should always be high.

Lord, grant us Journalists
Who take pride in their work
and strive to create work they can take pride in.
Who believe that the news
should serve a higher purpose than gossip.
Who long for rewards for a job well done,
and so do their jobs well.
Who seek correction and confirmation.
Who strive for truth and justice.
Who believe they are accountable for what they write.
Who respect their readers,
and assume the highest and best about their
intelligence, attention spans and tastes.
Who know that there are such things as "standards",
and standards should always be high.

Lord, grant us Readers
Who have enough respect for their own intelligence
to demand their media show respect as well.
Who know the difference between news and gossip
and insist on different outlets for each.
Who will reward journalists and newspapers
for making the effort to get things right,
and punish them if they do not.
Who will realise that "quality" starts at home,
and they must demand it from themselves
before they can expect it from their media.
Who care about their own language enough
to insist that others use it well.
Who know that there are such things as "standards",
and standards should always be high.

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