Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Novel Experiment Continues: Chapter 2

For those of you who care, Chapter Two of Aino can now be read in its rough form.

"How rough?" I hear you ask. Well, pretty rough. Practically zero editing, and I'm thinking of changing a character's name.

Why am I exposing you to such raw material of such poor standard? Well, duh. It's so you remind me to keep going with the story, remember?

Mind you, only one person seems to be doing this at present (thanks, Jack), so she'd better do it well.

Now, first of all, a word of warning. I got the idea for this story whilst spending the night on the grounds of a manor house in Estonia. Everyone who is sick of hearing the word "Estonia" come out of my mouth should probably steel themselves.

Any way: Aino, Chapter 2: Davis Tells His Story, and I Tell Mine


  1. I likey. I read this while sitting in the bright lights of work and still found myself getting a little creeped out. Can't wait to read the next bit!

  2. Oh, good. I was hoping I could pull off creepy. Thanks for stoking the flames.
