Wednesday, March 10, 2010


For some reason, and I'm not sure what it was, today I pulled a banana out of the fridge and proudly declared:

"Mul on ananass"

Which was, of course, wrong. And, I supposed, slightly surreal. I suppose it could be considered a little odd to have someone hold up a banana and state with conviction that they have a pineapple. Probably more so if they were doing it in a language no one else in the room understood...

I'm suddenly feeling like a deconstructivist from the 20th Century. Why is a banana not a pineapple? If no one understands what you say, does it matter if you say the "wrong" thing? These are but signifiers arbitrarily applied to the signified, and we may challenge them if they do no suit our purposes. Or, indeed, our porpoises, who are better suited by tweed.

If a tree falls in the forest, and no one is there to hear it, what happened to all the birds and woodland creatures?

This is not a pipe.

No, really, it's not.


  1. Love it! Very Ionesco :-) I often say things in Estonian and even English and natives have no clue what I said. Makes perfect sense to me but not to them :-D

  2. ooook put down the pipe and stop smoking the funny stuff inside it!!!! :-P

  3. Ah Ionesco. I always found him rather annoying. Not as annoying as Sartre, though.
