Wednesday, January 26, 2011


It's about this time of year I find myself muttering nonsensical things about neenish tarts and stale lamingtons.

Neenish tarts are one of the few "Australian" deserts that don't have any other countries trying to claim them (unlike pavlova, which those sneeking Kiwis keep trying to nick for themselves).

Granted, I'm not sure why any other country would feel compelled to claim neenish tarts, unless there is some long forgotten race of Neens out there somewhere, but still.

As for the stale lamingtons - well, lamingtons are supposed to be stale. They were invented as a way to make stale spongecake worth eating. I personally think they taste better when they are two days old.

So, for your Australia Day celebrations, I hope you find the time to partake of some neenish tarts and stale lamingtons. Trust me, there are few things you could stick in your mouth (with the exception of kangaroo) that could be more Australian.

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