Sunday, October 28, 2012

We all got problems

There are days I call "Squid days".  Days where I walk into a room to do one task, and find myself thinking:  

"Before I can do this, I need to that, but I can't do that until after I've finished the other thing... and while I'm thinking of it I should really get this fourth thing out of the way or it's going to be a problem later... oh, but I needed to do this before I could finish that... and I should do this other thing instead because it's a quick job and I can get it out of the way..."

And, before I know it, I've wasted the last 10 minutes reading a piece of paper I was going to throw out, and I can't remember what I had come into the room to do...

These are days when I think of the Wondermark comic above, and wonder how long it's going to be before the whole building is just rubble.

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