Wednesday, July 9, 2014

That thing with the ink

I think there's a level at which my mother has always known I am likely to get a tattoo.  She hates the idea.  She really and truly hates it.  She hates it so much that, if I so much as mention the word "tattoo" in her presence (for any reason), she clenches her jaw so tightly you can feel the pressure from the other side of the room.

If she could, she would forbid me from doing such things.  I half recall she even tried, back in my twenties, "in jest".

So, seeing as I have no intention of letting my mother dictate what I do with my own skin (she had a responsibility for that once, but that time has past), I am stuck with an interesting question:

Do I tell her I'm going to get one, tell her I have one after I've already gotten it, or simply never tell her and cross that bridge only if she happens to notice?

I'm leaning towards the latter.

By the way, there's a very good chance I'll be getting a tattoo tomorrow.

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