Monday, April 21, 2008


"Washing powder?"
"Was he selling washing powder?"
"I wash in Tide."
"Ah, me too. It’s too cold out-tide."

Someone came up to the desk with a shirt that had a logo for Tide on it today. I had to ask her if she new it was a brand of laundry powder. I don’t know why, but every now and then I feel compelled to ask people if they know what they’re wearing (she didn't know - she thought it was a Thai soft drink).

I once saw a young teenage girl wearing a shirt with the words “Soylent Green” written very decoratively across the front. Part of me wanted to ask her if she knew what she was wearing, part of me wanted to lie down and do my best Charlton Heston impersonation (bloody hand reaching aimlessly towards the sky…), the rest of me knew there were some things you just shouldn’t do in a crowded shopping centre, and I let her walk by uninterrupted.

By the way, five points goes to whoever can correctly identify where the quote at the beginning of this post came from. You don't even have to remember who wrote it, just what format it was in and what it was about.

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