Thursday, January 21, 2010

30 Years From Now

This is something I wrote back when I was in high school, but for some reason I feel it is appropriate for the day:

Just stand still for a moment
I want to remember the way you look
The way the world all around us is
Just right now
Life goes by much too quickly
We never think about the way things change
But bit by bit the world gets rearranged
And before you know it, it's thirty years from now

Just stand still for a moment
And spare a thought for all our yesterdays
The many times we should have stopped to say
"Just right now"
Life goes by much too quickly
We never think about the things we lose
But there's too much of life that we misuse
And before you know it, it's thirty years from now

Just stand still for a moment
And look around you at this place we're in
We may never pass this way again
Just right now
Life goes by much too quickly
We never think about the passing days
But all to soon we'll all be old and grey
And before you know it, it's thirty years from now.

None of the people who were at my 15th birthday were at my 20th. None of the people from my 20th were at my 25th. None of the people from my 25th will be at my 30th. I doubt the people at my 30th birthday will be at my 35th. These things happen in this modern world.

Look at the people who are in your life today. You can't keep them, but you can remember them - so pay attention.


  1. That's a nice poem Sharon. Do you write much?

  2. Sporadically. I go through stages where I write all the time, and then stages where I hardly do anything at all. It depends on how much poetry I'm reading at the time, as well. Once I've got some rhythms/structures floating around my brain, something usually ends up falling out...
