Sunday, January 31, 2010

A Novel Experiment: Aino

Van Havien has been haunting me lately, so I decided to get my own back and put him in a ghost story. Or maybe it's a monster story. I'm not sure, really. Who is van Havien? I have no idea. His name just keeps coming up in my head at the end of phrases like "So we meet again, van Havien!"

The bigger question is, really, who is Aino? You'll find out in a couple of months, I hope.

Okay, I've tried this before and it didn't work, but I'm going to give it another shot.

I have a slight problem with finishing anything longer than a poem unless I've got some sort of external "incentive" (such as a deadline). This means I've got a lot of half-written things lying about the place, for which I've long lost the impetus of the story.

So, I'm going to try to serialise a story. I've nominally given myself a deadline of fortnightly posts, for which I'll have to have a rough draft of a chapter available for all and sundry. I'm hoping at least some of you will a) read the thing, and b) not let me give up on the story part-way through.

Once it's finished I'll think about what to do with it next. I don't think I've got the space on the server I'm currently using to have multiple chapters up at the same time, so I may have to rotate them. Hmmm.

Anyway, the first few paragraphs of each chapter will go up on my Siege Works blog, and a link to the chapter itself will go up at the end of those posts as well as being posted here.

Here's the first chapter: Aino, Chapter One: van Havien Tells His Story

Happy reading...

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