Saturday, August 20, 2011

Oh, by the way...

And, just in case anyone was thinking of sneaking up behind me and touching my head, just to see what I would do, allow me to spoil all your fun by telling you exactly how I would react:

Firstly, I would probably jump a little and make a bit of a noise. Probably not a scream, because I'm not really a screamer (I have to make my vocal chords produce that sound and it's not terribly comfortable), but definitely a little yelp. You know, the kind of thing most people do when startled.

Then I will be mildly annoyed.

Depending on what mood I'm in at the time and how much I like and respect you, I will express that annoyance by either punching you in the nuts* or sighing deeply and calling you a moron (or something similar).

That's about it, really.

If you think that will be entertaining, then whatever.

I'm afraid I haven't given you my kryptonite here. These are things that I try to avoid because they make me uncomfortable, but they aren't really buttons worth pushing. I'm not going to flail my arms about amusingly or hate you forever if you decide to try your luck.

*Of all the people I know, the ones I'm most expecting to try this all have nuts.

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