Thursday, April 1, 2010

Mul on Ananass

In what is quite possibly a hideously ill-conceived idea, I've created yet another blog. Sort of.

I've decided that, if I'm going to make any real progress with learning Estonian, I'd better start trying to use the language for something. Since I'm not yet up to paragraphs, I thought I'd better stick with sentences.

How do you make a sentence worth reading? Stick it in a picture.

Thus Mul on ananass exists. Although, perhaps, it shouldn't.

Let's have someone who can't draw create a comic in a language they barely know. Doesn't that sound brilliant?

If you're lucky, I might start mixing some German in there, too. Just to make sure no one can ever understand anything.


  1. An extra ' " ' in the code...

  2. Actually, one too few. Fixed now (thanks for pointing it out).
