Wednesday, January 4, 2012

I love a good complication...

I have this strange idea in the back of my head that I like things to be simple, and that I'm the kind of person who will seek out ways to simplify a situation...

This is, of course, rubbish.

Truth is, I have a knack for compounding complications.

Take my desire to study three degrees simultaneously, for example. On the one hand, it all seems perfectly reasonable. I have the intelligence to deal with the subject matter and I have good reasons for studying all three, and it's not that much different to studying multiple subjects in the same degree, when you think about it...

On the other hand, it's daft and unnecessary.

And then I go and think about taking a 6 week European holiday with an extra language course in the middle of that.

See what I mean? Compounding complications.

Fortunately, I was smart enough to realise it was a bridge too far and decided to only combine studying two degrees simultaneously with the European holiday/language course idea.

But now, you see, I've worked out a way I can complicate that even further.

My language course is in Estonia and finishes on the 10th of August. A library conference starts in Helsinki on the 11th - and will be approximately four hours away from my location on the 10th.

I could throw in a week's conference attendance (and hopefully a paper presentation) in the middle of my holiday, which would actually give me 7 weeks in Europe, but this would eat into more of my study vac, which I was going to use to catch up on the German assignments and coursework I would be doing on my vacation...

I'm starting to think I can't reconcile my ideal of living a simple life with my desire to do Everything.

My mother (and probably Helzapoppin, who occasionally has a strange habit of repeating things my mother says) would "suggest" that I give up on the "doing Everything" side of things, but what's the fun in that?

Life is short, and one day I won't be able to do this stuff. I may as well squeeze as much in as I can, while I can.

When I die, it won't be from boredom.

It may be from eating something stupid, but I'm okay with that.

1 comment:

  1. you are a funny girl and you should listen to your mother more :)
