Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Of making many books there is no end...

...and much study wearies the body (Ecc. 12:12).

So, in spite of the fact that I'm supposed to be saving towards a European holiday, the other day I spent $15 on a book called Better Reading: Italian.

I bought this book - not because I'm learning Italian (I am so not learning Italian, especially as it doesn't look like I'll get around to visiting Italy this year after all) - but rather because I've developed an addiction to language books. So much so that I'll buy a book I'm never going to use just because I like the way it's designed and I want to have a closer look.

I was having a conversation over drinks a few weeks back in which someone asked me what I'd do if I was self-employed. After initially saying I'd make ceramic dogs to sell at local markets, I answered honestly: I'd like to write a couple of text books.

"Textbooks? Why would anyone want to write textbooks?" she says.
"Because they're fascinating," says I.

It wasn't a measured response - it was the first thing that came out of my mouth. It's also quite true. There's an element of design that goes into a textbook that you don't find in any other type of written material.

And the skill it takes to write didactic material that is clear, succinct and easy to digest without being condescending or oversimplified! I yearn for that kind of skill. My own writing is usually overblown and excessively quirky.

So, yes, at some point I'd like to write a couple of text books. I've started various projects that were intended to produce text books, but never actually made it past the initial planning stage. Sadly, I am most effectively motivated externally - give me a person who is waiting for me to finish something, and I will do my best to finish it. If I'm the only person who cares, it's probably not going to happen.

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