Monday, October 18, 2010

Zombie Alert!

The National Zombie Watch has reported a fresh outbreak of zombies in South-East Victoria, which seems to be travelling north along the coast, following the low pressure system off the cape.

This marks the fourth zombie outbreak to effect the south-east of the country in the past year, and residents are urged to stay vigilent. Although previous zombie outbreaks have not reached the plague proportions predicted by the NZW, people are reminded that it is important to avoid becoming indifferent to the threat of zombie infestation.

"It is tempting to say, 'oh, it's just zombies again', but you can't just assume that the zomie apocalypse won't happen to your family simply because you weren't caught up in any of the previous zombie waves," NSW spokesperson Nick Michels said at the press conference. "We can't allow ourselves to become lax when it comes to zombies."

The last major zombie infestation to sweep through Australia was the Queensland Zombie Plague of 1978, in which the entire south-east sector of the state was abandonned to the undead for approximately three years, until the plague died out. The National Zombie Watch hopes that such an extreme outbreak of zombies will never effect an Australian state or Territory again.

"Families need to establish a zombie survival plan," Michels stated at the press conference. "Most zombies will eventually rot and die as long as they don't have any fresh food. Decide in advance whether you are going to stay or leave. If you are going to stay, remember to make sure your home is zombie safe, have plenty of tinned food and bottled water and a good supply of napalm cannisters. If you leave, please do so long before the zombies are reported in your town. Once the zombies have come, you really should stay and defend."

Zombie protection kits can be obtained from any ambulance station throughout the country.

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